Eyeball update: If you’ve been reading along for a while, you know that I was told to stop wearing my contact lenses about 6 weeks ago since they were causing irritation and gooeyness in my eyes. I quickly scheduled a consultation for Lasik laser correction, but ended up told that I have large pupils and am therefore not an ideal candidate. No Stairway! Denied!
When the doc told me that my pupils are abnormally large, I almost said, “The better to see you with, my dear!” but then realized, well, no, not really. At all.
So all this time I’ve been stuck in glasses that haven’t gotten updated lenses in over three years. I’ve been squinting more than Mr. Magoo and Renee Zellweger combined. I needed new specs in a big way, and I finally got them this week. Allow me to model for you briefly.
Here I am doing my best Stephen Colbert face:
And my best sexy face:
Actually, droopy right eye = not as sexy. Try again.
Yeah, I don’t think so either.
At any rate, the new glasses are comfy and fit my big dome even better than my last pair. Calvin Klein’s my boy.
In other news, Galaxy Granola launched their Fruit Not Fat website today. I also got some samples this week—woohoo!
As you might have guessed, Galaxy Granola uses fruit, not fat, to up the flavor without upping the calories of their granola. I’ll admit to being skeptical when I was first contacted about trying this cereal. I’m not one to eschew fat! So long as it’s “good fat,” that is.
This stuff’s really tasty, though, and the ingredient list is short.
Today I actually began AND ended my day with the Not Sweet Vanilla granola. At breakfast, I topped some applesauce with granola to go with a big shake…
And I had a little bowl straight up with rice milk tonight for dessert.
It may sound cheesy, but I’m a convert! I wasn’t optimistic that I’d want to review this product up in here, but how that I’ve tasted it I know that my samples won’t go to waste. I may or may not have a penchant for playing with my cereal, anyway…
I love the new glasses lady!!
You look hot in your new glasses! Perfect for your face. That granola sounds great.
I think you look great in your glasses, especially in the Colbert-esque pic..perrfect ;)
you look like a sassy thang! love the specs!
and the hair seems a bit edgier and chic'er and va va voom! than i remember..lovin that too :)
Fabulous glasses! You look marvelous. =)
I just got my new (first pair) of glasses too. They are a little difficult to get used to.
Love the idea of "not too sweet" granola. Yum.
new glasses = HAWT. i love CK too, although my current pair is not. sad. next time :). i got the granola too! yummm
I love the glasses! My mom works for an eyewear store so she keeps me in fun ones!
The new glasses rock, very fitting!
I LOVE the new glasses :)
you look so chic with glasses dear!!! I love it!
just for your info: I have a friend who uses a special contact lens at night when sleep that correct something of the eyes. And then during the day he doesn't have to use any kind of lens and sees everything perfectly. I just knew about it. ask your doctor, maybe it works for you.
You look sexy and classy with those glasses girl! Love them!! They fit you well!!
Galaxy Granola I cant wait to try, Im getting some samples, yum!!!
I love your glasses! I secretly love to rock mine- I feel like people take me more seriously in them! Ahhh I want to get my hands on some of this Galaxy Granola! Everyone seems to have it, and it looks and sounds delish!
New glasses are so cute, they fit your face perfectly! LOVE them!
Sweet new classes, hotness! Love 'em :)
Total sexy librarian-ness! I'e always wanted glasses for that very reason :)
stunning glasses ... but more importantly, i have the exact same rice to riches bowl!!!!
I love the new specs!!! Good choice :)
You look so freaking cute! Love the glasses, love the hair!
great photos. They are cute! I love the wayne's world reference! good luck with the eyeball situation! lunch at bonobos soon?
you are ADORABLE. you seriously pull off short hair so amazingly! i love it!
look atchu rockin the stunnah shades.. you fierce sexy librarian, you.
that granola has been dominating blogworld as of late. me wannnnnnt.
Haha - squinting like Rene Zellwiger! Your posts kill me! im
your new glasses are HAWT! hellooooooooooo beautiful!!!
and thank you for the 'nola review!
gorgeous girl! and love the do ;) i just got mine cut shorter than i'm used to and i can't get it to look like when he did it!
I'm just reading about your glasses/contacts but am just jumping in...I was having major problems with my contacts all of a sudden and realized eventually that my contact solution had been recalled. Check around and see if that could be it
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