May 23, 2010

Quick “Cream” Sauce


I recently received a coupon for a free Buitoni agnolotti product via the Foodbuzz Tastemaker Program. My choices at the store were for the four-cheese variety or the wild mushroom. It had to be the mushroom! But what to do with it…?

This. Definitely this:


Based on my experience with throwing raw ingredients into a blender to produce a sauce, I came up with this mixture on the fly, and it was actually so good that I had to blog it so I’d be able to repeat it!


Quick “Cream” Sauce (Vegan)


  • 1 pint cherry/grape tomatoes
  • 1 avocado, peeled and pitted
  • handful sundried tomatoes
  • generous shake of Italian herbs (oregano, thyme, basil, sage)
  • garlic powder to taste
  • salt and pepper to taste


Blend smooth and pour it on! You’ll get 2-4 servings from this, depending on how hungry you are. I enjoyed mine over the mushroom agnolotti and some raw zucchini noodles. Certainly one of my favorite meals this month!


Now, if you’ll excuse me, Soap & Chocolate must take a leave of absence. With all the packing and moving about to happen, I expect to be gone from the blog for about two weeks, at most. Don’t forget about me! I expect you to come back for a tour of my new kitchen.

Catch you on the flip side!


Averie @ Averie Cooks said...

I got that same coupon AND almost forgot about it..til this week when i picked up a pkg of those for Scott, i.e. I can't eat it (gluten and dairy) but he loves stuff like that. You really upped your game and made sauce. NICE.

Ok so you are taking a blogging vacay while you settle in your new pad...very smart. I am apparently a fool b/c i am moving to a new state and packing our entire house alone and my fitness show is in 13 days. Ok I am insane.

I love that you are pragmatic on this whole moving thing!!! and not trying to blog too. Hmmm. Maybe i need to try your way..


Ilana said...

One, that sounds fabulous, and two, take all the time you need! Moving is psychotically stressful sometimes...I promise I'll be here when you return :) I hope it's not too hard on you!

Jackie (Peaces of Earth) said...

Love the raw/cooked combo!! Looks dang tasty!

Good luck moving! Definitely not on my favorite thing to do list. Soon it'll be over though and you'll have a shiny new kitchen (that's always my fav part :))!!

Gabriela said...

Good luck moving!! Hang in there- I know it can get stressful! I love the creamy color the avocado gives this, I'll have to try it out!!

Gena said...


Good luck with the move, hon :)

Diana @ frontyardfoodie said...

That's amazing! It looks so smooth! I need to work on my raw recipes again. It's been too long.

emily said...

Come back soon, we'll miss you!

And good luck with the move.

Sophie @ yumventures said...

Never thought of avocado in pasta sauce! Great idea :)

Anonymous said...

I wish I could whip up something that good looking and call it "quick"
I love coupooonnnns so much. have a good one!

Crooked Moon Mama said...

Am I crazy? I love moving! New kitchen=new inspiration. Can't wait for more recipes.

sophia said...

TWO WEEKS!!! Aw.....:-( I shall miss you. Will you still be tweeting?

Love the "cream" expected, you sneaked an avocado in there...did you know in Singapore, we serve avocado COFFEE? Wicked cool, huh?

Unknown said...

good luck with the move, and can't wait to see the new kitchen! ... when i get back from italy :)

Christine (The Raw Project) said...

Hmmm, I need to check for more Foodbuzz coupons, keep forgetting to do that. :-P Hubby would probably like this. The sauce looks great.

Good luck with the move, hope everything goes well.

healthy ashley said...

Good luck with the move!!! I believe we'll all definitely be here when you return :)

Anonymous said...

I don't even like tomatoes and that sounds good...

Are you staying in New York or moving far far away? Please let it be the former so we can play this summer!

Michelle said...

Wow!! How good does that look??? Your sauce looks so creamy and indulgent...and that color. mmm :) Butoni makes awesome products.

Deborah (The Food Psychologist) said...

This sauce is delicious! It's definitely going onto my weeknight quick dinner list. I never would have thought about a combo like this, but it works!

Iris said...

Hmm...I have a lot of those ingredients on hand. I just need to make something to put them on. Buitoni is actually one of my favorite brands, especially their tortellini (which I can't have anymore...sigh) and their pesto.

Gina; The Candid RD said...

The words "Quick" and "Cream" always catch my attention! This sauce sounds, and looks fabulous. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Good luck with the move!