July 5, 2010

Butter Me Up



There is butter on my face and in my belly. Allow me to explain the former before you skedaddle off to some more dignified blog.

Maren of Butter Your Body skin care sent me a sample of her Green With Life face mask. All the Butter Your Body products are vegan, natural, organic and handmade. I could tell—it smelled like salad!


But in a good way. With some skin products, I have a sense of inhaling frankenfumes, which can’t be doing much good, so I was glad to use a product that had me 100% confident in its integrity and benefits. Thanks for the sample, Maren!

Rest assured that I limited my sampling of the above product to topical use. I decided against testing my theory that the mask was indeed granulated salad.

Instead, inspired by Gena’s recent praise of the sweet potato-avocado taste combination, I decided to try it for myself. I wanted a baked sweet potato for dinner, but not just any old butter for topping…


…and I didn’t want just a simple chopped or mashed avocado.


No, I wanted a fat party in my mouth. Into the mini blender went 1/4 avocado, 1/2 tbsp coconut butter and 1/2 tbsp coconut oil… 


…onto the grill went a sliced yellow squash…into the oven went some broccoli florets…

…and into my belly went all of this:


At which point out came an “I should probably put this on the blog.”

So I did.


Gena said...

Hahaha. Love the photo. And loooooooooooove that decadent combo! I may be trying it myself in the very near future :)

katherine said...

Just so you know, that picture will forever be what appears when you call either the Huz or me. Love it! And love the food combo :)

Diana said...

@katherine: Ha! ASS.

Natalie @ cinnamonbums said...

haha great picture of you wearing a green mask!! and i also tried gena's combo today!!! (but i used kabocha + avocado - sooo good)

Mama Pea said...

You know you fooled me with the mask topped potato. I absolutely love that you put that picture of yourself up. I sort of want to lick your face.


Mo Diva said...

sexy mask. anything with avocados is deelish!
and soooo good for your skin! so butter it up!

Maytina said...

Cute!! LOL homemade masks / pure masks are so much better to play with! Frakenfumes is a really good name for that awful chemical smell. Ick, what's seeping into my skin? Great post, and your avocado fat party scares me (in that I'd mainline it). :P

Gabriela said...

Oh wow, that looks good. I'd never have thought to mix coconut butter and avocado, but that sounds like one hell of a fat party if I do say so myself :)

Eat To Live said...

Great photo!!!

I have an APRON GIVEAWAY on my blog and would love it if you could come over and enter.

Unknown said...

i'm sold, need to get me some avocados asap. love that picture, too ;)

sophia said...

I can't believe you posted a picture of you slathered with green "butter". You are my hero. I love you, Diana! You rock!

JL Goes Vegan said...

I love butter you body lip balm! The avocado creation is decadent and looks divine!

Julie Lynn said...

Beauty Queen...you are too cute! ;-)

Dominique said...

I've got all three of those ingredients on hand right now so as soon as my avocado is ripe enough, I'm having me a fat party in my mouth!

I was just looking to purchase a new mask (I seem to have misplaced my old one or I threw it out and forgot) so I'll be sure to check out BYB. How did you like the mask? How did it make your face feel afterwards?

Diana said...

Hi Dominique,

The mask definitely felt like clay - it started to dry and harden after a few minutes, so you can really feel everything tighten up. After I rinsed it off, my skin felt nice and soft. Give it a try!
