October 13, 2010

Freestyle: October 13

As promised, I’m back again this week for my Freestyle handful o’links. I have to say, it’s kind of fun collecting amusing little nuggets to share! So here we go:

  • Obviously, link #1 is the above video of Grover spoofing the Old Spice commercials. You probably didn’t need my help finding it, but I had to post it anyway, just to cover my bases. You can read the story behind this hysterical clip here. (Thanks, Sonia!)
  • This weekend I made Brittany’s Healthy Homemade Apple Butter in my crockpot, and it’s amazing – I’ve been putting it on everything. And my apartment STILL smells like cinnamon.
  • Antoine Dodson finally got his 15 minutes 46 seconds of live fame: “The stage at the BET Awards was set on fire last night with pieces of charbroiled glitter when the legendary Antoine Dodson took to the stage looking like if Mushu from Mulan joined a TLC cover group as Chilli.” You can’t make this stuff up, people. Click on the link for the video of Antoine and his shimmering locks.
  • And lastly, I figure I can’t get away with ignoring THE hot topic in the blogosphere right now. I’m going to forego comment in favor of directing you to Heather’s post (including all the comments that follow!) discussing blogger responsibility. Major food for thought.

Where do you stand? (Feel free to answer this regarding Grover as the Old Spice guy and/or blogger accountability.)


Kim of Mo Betta said...

I'm gonna try this apple butter recipe b/c the one I tried the other day was a disaster! The end result was good, but I about burned my house down with apples in the crockpot. I didn't realize that apples could turn that black or stick that badly to the sides of a crock pot ;) The recipe you linked calls for more liquid...which now makes more sense!

Erica said...

I picked up some rum apple butter from a local farm this weekend...but I've totally been wanting to make my own. Thanks for the recipe link

Danielle said...

Haha, cute video! I love that old spice commercial. I've been looking for apple butter forever.. I guess i'll just have to make it. Thanks for the recipe!

sophia said...

I have too many opinions about blogger responsibility that if I wrote it down here, it would be an essay. I wish I could meet up with you again, with a proper (not a hurried) lunch, and discuss all these gossip...uh, issues with you.

Anyway. About the apple butter. MAKE APPLE CAKE with it!!! Dorie Greenspan has the best recipe that uses both fresh apples and the apple butter!

Kelsey Ann said...

i should try out that homemade apple butter!! id love some on spiced bread or muffins, that would be major yum yums!